Voorjaarsbrief is als teleurstellende voetbalwedstrijd

Inge Jongman voorjaarsbrief 2014woensdag 02 juli 2014 16:18

Bij de bespreking van de voorjaarsbrief in de raad vergeleek fractievoorzitter Inge Jongman deze met een teleurstellende voetbalwedstrijd. De ChristenUnie probeerde nog het een en ander bij te stellen door een zevental moties, waarvan er vier werden aangenomen. Moties over fietsklemmen, groene bedrijventerreinen en bankjes in het Stadspark werden verworpen. Daarnaast ondersteunde de ChristenUnie diverse moties van anderen. Hieronder Jongmans volledige woordvoering.


De voorjaarsbrief is in onze ogen te vergelijken met een voetbalwedstrijd waar je eens lekker voor bent gaan zitten. Alles bij de hand, favoriete stoel klaargezet. Totdat je 20 minuten verder bent en al een voorgevoel krijgt dat deze wedstrijd niet gaat brengen waar je op gehoopt had. Geen mooie voorzetten, beide partijen spelen de bal wat rond op het middenveld, maar de spitsen, laat staan het doel, worden niet bereikt. Een saai potje.
Voorzitter, in de commissie was over de teneur van de voorjaarsbrief al enige discussie. De voorjaarsbrief omschrijft zichzelf in de eerste alinea als een voorzet tot verdieping. Vooral vanuit de oppositie was er kritiek omdat een verdiepende visie ontbreekt. Waar is de visie vanuit het college om te kijken waar je op basis van het coalitie-akkoord - na uren en dagen van overleg - naar toe wilt? Vanuit de coalitie kwam de verklaring dat er ruimte moet zijn voor verbinding en samenwerking met de samenleving evenals kansen voor de raad als geheel richting de begroting 2015. Voorzitter, uit deze discussie gaan wij niet komen. U hebt al weken met elkaar om tafel gezeten, dit was uw kans om meters te maken en de spitsen te bereiken. Dat is jammer van de tijd, want de tijd is de enige criticus zonder ambitie. En voorzitter, omdat wij als ChristenUnie ambities hebben en de tijd goed willen gebruiken, verwoord ik de volgende 9 ambities namens onze fractie.

1. Sport

In een stad met als thema gezonder ouder worden, moeten er grote ambities liggen op het gebied van de sport. Daarom dienen wij op dit thema twee moties in, één motie met als thema de ambitie om meer geld uitgeven aan sport en één motie met Stadspartij, VVD, CDA en PvdA om een expertmeeting te houden.

2. Bankjes Stadspark

De ijscoman verzuchtte dat als je eens lekker wilt wandelen in het Stadspark op de Concourslaan vanaf de ijscokraam en wilt genieten van de nieuwe lindenbomen, er weinig bankjes in het eerste deel zijn voor zwangeren en ouderen onder ons die het zonder bankje een te lang stuk vinden. Wij roepen het college bij motie op om hier bij de begroting voor 2015 geld voor te reserveren.

3. Traineeship

Kortgeleden ontmoetten wij een aantal trainees van de gemeente die allemaal erg enthousiast waren. Wat opviel was dat wervingsprocedure onduidelijk was; de één was aangenomen via een vader bij de gemeente, de tweede via een professor, de derde via een verdwaald cv via een selectiebureau enz. enz. Voorzitter, dit kan beter, wij vragen het college om een reactie hoe dit te verbeteren.

4. Groenste bedrijventerrein

Alhoewel niet een nieuw thema, valt het op dat onze bedrijventerreinen in oprichting, nog redelijk strak onderhouden worden. Je kunt zeggen dat daardoor potentiële kopers een strakke aanblik krijgen. Maar is dit nodig? Want aan de andere kant valt ook veel te zeggen voor tijdelijke vergroening. Wij willen meer inspanning van het college op dit vlak, want grote delen van Westpoort niet meer maaien scheelt geld en levert nieuwe natuur op. Of gericht inzaaien geeft ook nieuwe dimensies aan stadsnatuur. Mits in goed overleg, gaan ecologie en economie heel goed samen. Motie

5. Ouderen

Onze fractie bezocht vorige week een bijeenkomst van het SOOG. De meest prangende vraag die onbeantwoord bleef hangen is: waar kunnen ouderen die niet meer zelfstandig kunnen wonen, maar te goed zijn voor het verpleeghuis, straks naar toe. Aanleunwoningen zijn een oplossing, maar zijn heel schaars en worden niet in grote getale bijgebouwd. Wij vragen het college bij motie om dit vraagstuk te onderzoeken.

6. ICT outsourcen
In de voorjaarsbrief staat: “een concreet gevolg van de kerntakendiscussie is ons voomemen de ICT te outsourcen”.
Voorzitter, daar willen wij nog eens heel goed over debatteren. Er is zelfs een parlementair onderzoek gaande naar falende ICT-projecten door niet behaalde resultaten maar wel betaalde meerkosten. Daar komt bij, extern aanbesteden is niet altijd de reden tot succes; marktpartijen schrijven vaak goedkoop in om de opdracht te scoren, maar bij meerwerk hangt er een duur prijskaartje aan.Graag reactie van het college hoe dit traject in overleg met de raad vorm krijgt.

7. Waardering vrijwilligers

De komende jaren gaan wij een groter beroep doen op vrijwilligers om onze samenleving in combinatie met bezuinigingen anders vorm te geven. In gesprekken die wij daarover hebben, geven vrijwiligers aan dat ze hun werk met hart en ziel doen en ook “om niet” doen, maar het zeer op prijs stellen dat ze gewaardeerd worden voor hun inzet. Die waardering in fysieke zin is de afgelopen tijd door wetgeving alleen maar minder geworden. Wij overwegen een motie, maar vragen het college eerst welke gedachten het college over dit thema heeft.

8. Fietsklemmen

Het college heeft in reactie op de motie fietsklemmen bij het rekeningdebat aangegeven dat het moeilijk is om ook de 'laatste' 274 fietsklemmen versneld te realiseren vanwege de meer gecompliceerde plekken en het ruimtegebrek. Voorzitter, dan hebt u de strekking van de motie letterlijk genomen en dienen wij nogmaals motie in om daar iets langer de tijd voor te nemen omdat fietsklemmen bijdragen aan een leefbare stad. Wij hebben inmiddels via social media de Stadjers ook gevraagd. Wij dienen nogmaals met Student en Stad een motie in.

9. Elektrische taxi´s

Na eerdere pogingen samen met GroenLinks opnieuw op de agenda. In een stad die de ambitie heeft om duurzaam te zijn, is het nog steeds onbestaanbaar dat er tijdens stapavonden een rij ronkende taxi´s staat, van de poffertjeskraam t/m Scholtens Wristers. Motie met GroenLinks om elektrische taxi´s te stimuleren is ingediend.

10. Vorige week waren we op werkbezoek bij het Alfa College waar we een Nederlandse taalles aan laaggeletterde inburgeraars hebben bijgewoond. Na afloop vertelde men dat men bij het AlfaCollege/Noorderpoort bekend is met de grote groep langdurig werkzoekenden in de Stad en dat de gemeente Veendam hier goede ervaringen mee heeft. En dat men de ervaring van het scholen van laaggeletterden ook graag voor deze groep (langdurig werkzoekenden) zou willen inzetten. Met een betere kennis van de Nederlandse taal en scholing in het algemeen nemen de kansen op werk immers toe. Motie

Een hele to-do list. Geen elftal aan wensen…maar wel een lijst met heel wisselende wensen op wisselende thema´s, waarbij wij beogen om op diverse plekken voor diverse stadjers, de stad te laten bloeien. Want alhoewel aan alles een prijskaartje hangt, en het in onze samenleving te vaak lijkt het of het alleen maar draait om geld, gaat het uiteindelijk om het verhaal achter die cijfers, om de mens achter de cijfers. En hoeveel een voetballer ook verdient, het gaat om het spel wat hij in het veld laat zien. En daarom willen wij bij de begroting 2015 graag een wedstrijd met meer spanning.
Als christenpolitici willen wij als laatste aangeven dat wij als mensen niet alles in de hand hebben, wij wensen het college daarom bij het opstellen van de begroting voor 2015 Gods onmisbare zegen toe.
Groningen, 25 juni 2014
Inge Jongman-Mollema

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Reacties op 'Voorjaarsbrief is als teleurstellende voetbalwedstrijd'

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Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:15 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:15 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:16 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:16 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:16 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:16 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:16 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:16 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:17 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:17 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

Geplaatst op: 18-10-2014 08:17 Quote
Among the wonders that await the public are some very precious dinosaur fossils from the Mesozoic era, such as the Lufengosaurus fossil found in Yunnan Province, and ancient mammals from the Cenozoic era. <a href=http://www.2good2tip.com/ping.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> Lassana Diarra and captain Raul Gonzalez also scored as the Spanish powerhouse completed its preseason by winning the Santiago Bernabeu trophy. It opens its season on Saturday in the Spanish capital against Deportivo La Coruna. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/files/files.php?nike-air-max-1-sale/>nike air max 1 sale</a> However, Liu the accountant takes her seven-year-old son to a zhu suan class after school, while other parents take their children to "Olympic math" training. <a href=http://www.airenvironmental.co.uk/fefiles/image.php?mulberry/> mulberry</a> This has been her signature look since she was like 16. Yeah, she's a bit of a babe. So I've always been around women who have short hair. I think it's really sexy, having all your hair off your neck and your skin bare, says Watson, checking out her crop in a mirror behind her. Founded in 1996 in Arhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, the band consists of leading singer-songwriter Simon Kvamm, guitarist Kristian Riis, drummer Soren Arnholt, bassist Kasper Toustrup and keyboardist Rene Munk Thalund.

The left-hander took 24 off one Mascarenhas over, with three sixes, as the hosts reached 84-0 in eight overs. <a href=http://www.comptonenergy.com/outer.php?hollister-outlet-uk/>hollister outlet uk</a> The major thing for us at the moment is that this season we have consistency from one track to another, said Rosberg, who has looked quick in practice but had disappointing race results so far this season. <a href=http://www.sentinel-law.com/help.asp?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> The pre-season curtain raiser will kick off at 8 pm Chinese time, eight minutes short of a year since the Olympic Opening Ceremony started in the distinctive stadium. <a href=http://www.baybank.us/images/inc.asp?ugg-&#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;/>ugg &#x30B5;&#x30F3;&#x30C0;&#x30EB;</a> Russia coach Guus Hiddink has included Pavlyuchenko in his 24-man squad for the World Cup playoff against Slovenia but has indicated the 27-year-old was no longer his first-choice for the first leg in Moscow tomorrow. <a href=http://www.aydemirmermervegranit.com/egas.php?uggs-on-sale/>uggs on sale</a> At no wins from 14 games, the Nets are creeping closer to the NBA record of 17 consecutive losses to start a season, which is held by Miami and the Los Angeles Clippers.

Ronaldo gave Madrid the lead in the 27th minute, before Raul finished a neat move in the 34th and Gonzalo Higuain broke through to score in stoppage time. <a href=http://www.demandtechnologies.co.uk/test/book.php?nike-air-max-sale/>nike air max sale</a> The judges scored the bout 120-109, 119-109, and 118-110 for Hopkins, who has said he plans to step up to heavyweight and fight WBA champion David Haye of Britain. <a href=http://www.gumtrue.com/sign.php?hollister-outlet/>hollister outlet</a> She had an incision that must have been a foot long and was sewn up with what looked like piano wire, said Zawistowski, science adviser for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. <a href=http://www.sohas.co.uk/events/event.php?cheap-mulberry-handbags-2/>cheap mulberry handbags</a> Ferrari's Felipe Massa, last year's overall runner-up, will start sixth with 2007 champion Kimi Raikkonen of Finland seventh after the Toyota exclusion. Every year lots of foreign musicians are invited to China to be a part of JUE. This year musicians from Holland, Germany, France, Japan and Canada will share the stage with talented local bands. With a tight schedule of live music, theater, artist battles and much more, this year's festival includes 55 events taking place across 26 venues in the city.

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indruk in de muziekindustrie. Hun laatste release, "All The Things You Do" is een bewijs van hun buitengewone talent en veelzijdigheid." All The Things You Do" is een uitzonderlijke dance track die showcases ASPARAGUSproject's beheersing van elektronische muziek.
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Zodra je op play drukt, word je getransporteerd naar een wereld van pure euforie terwijl het ritme het overneemt.
Als je klaar bent voor een opwindende muzikale reis, ASPARAGUSproject en hun nieuwste dance track, "All The Things You Do" zijn de perfecte keuze.
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Introducing Fast Distro Music , een gratis muziekdistributiedienst die de beste elektronische muziekartiesten tentoonstelt.
Een van de artiesten die je niet mag missen is ASPARAGUSproject - een gerenommeerde naam in de industrie.
Bekend om hun uitzonderlijke talent in het componeren van elektronische beats, ASPARAGUSproject heeft een blijvende impact gehad.
Hun laatste release, "All The Things You Do" is een opmerkelijke dance track die hun veelzijdigheid en expertise in het genre echt benadrukt.
Met zijn pulserende beats, verslavende synths en pakkende melodieën wordt dit nummer meteen een klassieker. Vanaf het moment dat je op play drukt, neemt het je mee op een opwindende
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Introducing Fast Distro Music , een ongelooflijke muziekdistributiedienst die een overvloed aan getalenteerde artiesten biedt die gespecialiseerd zijn in elektronische muziek.
Eén artiest in het bijzonder heeft veel lof bereikt in dit genre. - ASPARAGUSproject . Bekend om hun uitzonderlijke vaardigheden in het componeren van elektronische beats,
deze artiest heeft een onuitwisbare stempel gedrukt op de muziekindustrie. Hun nieuwste dance track, "All The Things You Do" is een bewijs van hun ongeëvenaarde talent en veelzijdigheid. "All The Things You Do" is een dansnummer dat gewone grenzen overstijgt, met een presentatie van ASPARAGUSproject's beheersing van elektronische muziek.
Met zijn pulserende beats, boeiende synths en onweerstaanbare melodieën, vestigt het zich snel als een instant klassieker.
Zodra je op play drukt, word je onmiddellijk getransporteerd naar een euforisch rijk gedreven door het ritme.
Dus, als je bereid bent om een opwindende muzikale reis te beginnen, kijk dan niet verder dan ASPARAGUSproject en hun laatste release, "All The Things You Do" Bereid je voor om jezelf onder te dompelen in een wervelwind van pulserende beats, zwevende melodieën en aanstekelijke energie die alleen ASPARAGUSproject kan leveren.
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Onder deze getalenteerde muzikanten is de beroemde ASPARAGUSproject , bekend om hun uitzonderlijke vaardigheid in het maken van elektronische beats die een blijvende indruk achterlaten.
Hun nieuwste release, "All The Things You Do "is een bewijs van hun opmerkelijke talent en veelzijdigheid.
Deze dance track is niets minder dan buitengewoon, met een presentatie van ASPARAGUSproject's beheersing van elektronische muziek. Met pulserende beats, verslavende synths en boeiende melodieën,
het wordt al snel een tijdloze favoriet. Zodra je op play drukt, bereid je voor om naar een euforisch rijk te worden getransporteerd waar het ritme het overneemt en je volledig onderdompelt.
Als je op zoek bent naar een opwindende muzikale reis, kijk dan niet verder dan ASPARAGUSproject en hun laatste release, "All The Things You Do" Geef jezelf over aan de
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